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21 Tips On How To Get Shiny Nails Naturally At Home
1. Olive Oil
how to get shiny nails - olive oil

Olive oil is one of the best ingredients for health, hair, skin, and nails. It includes linoleic acid that can moisturize the skin very well and it can reduce the risks of evaporating. This oil might make the nails look shiny and beautiful.

Method 1:
You need some drops of olive oil and some warm water.
Then you mix olive oil and warm water in a tub, stir the mixture well and soak the nails in the water for some minutes.
Massage your nails with warm olive oil.
Doing this remedy every day to get the best effect.
Method 2:
You squeeze some lemon juice and mix it with some tablespoons of olive oil.
Mix them well and soak the nails in it for some minutes.
Do this treatment each day to remove dirt and dull on the nails.
Method 3:
You need some olive oil, a pair of cotton gloves, and some nail cream or natural moisturizer.
Firstly you warm up the olive oil and pour it in a bowl.
Now, you dip the nails in the oil for some minutes.
Then, wear the gloves and leave it over-night or several hours.
Wash the hands with water and apply some nail cream or hand lotions.
Doing this remedy regularly to get beautiful nails.
Read more: Bumps Treatments
2. Avocados
how to get shiny nails - avocados

Avocados are the excellent ingredients for shiny nails as it is rich in fat, proteins, and nutrients that can make your nails shiny and healthy. In addition, avocados are good in vitamins and antioxidants that are necessary for healthy nails and health. how to get shiny nails with avocados? You can follow this direction:

You have a half of avocado piece with some rose water.
Mash avocado and add rose water in int.
Mix well and apply on the nails.
Massage it gently and leave it 15-20 minutes.
Wash with fresh water.
Do it every day to have healthy and beautiful nails.
This remedy can moisturize the dull and brittle nails very well.
3. Milk
how to get shiny nails - milk

Milk is very good for health as well as the nails. It can cleanse the nails and nourish them well. The method is very easy and simple to do at home, like this:

Take some warm milk and pour it into the bowl.
Put the nails in the milk for several minutes.
Wash with water and you can apply some natural nail cream or cold cream.
Do it every day to maintain nail shine.
4. Lemon
how to get shiny nails - lemon

Lemon is a very common fruit in your kitchen and it can remove the dust, dirt, and chemicals from the nails. You also can use lemon to clear the salon and develop nail health naturally. How to get shiny nails with lemon? Let try this treatment:

You should have some tablespoons of lemon juice, ½ teaspoon of vinegar, a nail brush, and some warm water.
Now you soak the nails in lemon juice and warm water for 10 minutes.
Then you add some vinegar in the mixture and stir it well.
Dip the brush in the mixture and brush the nails for some minutes.
This remedy will remove the dust, impurities, and dirt from the nails.
Then rinse the nails with warm water.
You can add a natural moisturizer if necessary.
Do it every day.
5. Coconut Oil
how to get shiny nails - coconut oil

Like olive oil, coconut oil is a perfect natural moisturizer for the nails as it can remove the yellow stains on your nails well. You can follow this instruction each day to have healthy nails at home:

You prepare some Vaseline, lukewarm water, warm water, lemon juice, olive oil, and a teaspoon of coconut oil.
Mix coconut oil, olive oil, and lemon juice in a bowl.
Then microwave the bowl.
Then stir it well and add some warm water.
Now you soak the nails in the mixture for 15-20 minutes.
Wash with the lukewarm water.
Apply some Vaseline to keep the nails moisturized well.
6. Butter
how to get shiny nails - butter

Eating healthy foods is also one of the best ways to have shiny nails. Butter is a good ingredient that includes 35% of fat to moisturize the nails effectively. Moreover, butter has important vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, sodium and B vitamins that will help the nails grow healthy.

The method is very You need some water and butter.
Now mix the water and butter together.
Then apply it on the nails.
Massage them gently and wash with warm water.
Do it each day to have the best result.
7. Borage Seed Oil
how to get shiny nails - borage seed oil

Borage seeds oil has anti-inflammatory property that is very friendly with nails. It is also high in gamma – linolenic acid (GLA), salicylic acid, magnesium, calcium, and potassium nitrate that prevent .....تمنع روابط التحميل الغير قانوني......ed nails and unhealthy nails naturally. The method is:

Take some borage seeds oil and warm it up.
Apply on the nails and massage it gently.
You can do it every day to maintain the shine and moisturize the nails.
8. Vitamin E
how to get shiny nails - vitamin e

Vitamin E can improve blood circulation as it has vitamin E, C and can help you get shiny nails successfully. You can take vitamin E-rich foods such as oranges, lemons, tomatoes, etc. how to get shiny nails with vitamin E?

Method 1:
You can make a healthy salad with tomatoes and avocado.
Cut avocado and tomatoes into pieces.
Stir them well and have that healthy salad.
Consume it regularly to get effective results.
Method 2:
You cut an avocado into pieces.
Then mix the oranges, grapefruits, or other fruits.
Mix them well and consume the salads.
Method 3:
You take some vitamin E oil capsules.
Extract the oil and apply it on the
Leave it over the night and wash in the next morning.
Do it every day to have shiny nails.
9. Apple Cider Vinegar
how to get shiny nails - apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a great ingredient to help you get shiny nails. The remedy is:

You prepare some tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a cup of water.
Stir the apple cider vinegar in the water.
Drink the water to have healthy nails.
You should dilute the apple cider vinegar in the water. avoid drinking it directly.
10. Spinach And Leafy Greens
how to get shiny nails - spinach and leafy greens

Spinach and leafy greens might be helpful solutions for your rough and brittle nails. You can follow this recipe to supply more nutrients for your nail health.

You take some barley, kale, and spinach.
Chop all the vegetables into the curries.
Then consume every day to make your nails healthier.
11. Celery
how to get shiny nails - celery

Celery includes sodium that contributes to producing hydrochloric acid well.

You need some fresh celery.
Add them into the curries.
Intake it immediately and regularly.
12. Baby Oil
how to get shiny nails - baby oil

Keratin in necessary to strengthen your nails from the sun exposure and dirt. To moisturize the nails every day will prevent .....تمنع روابط التحميل الغير قانوني......ed nails and make them look young.

Method 1:
You should have some baby oil and apply it on the nails and hands.
Rub it over the nails every day to get the best result.
Method 2:
Put some baby oil in a bowl.
Apply it on the cuticles and nails before going to sleep.
Leave it over the night.
Wash your hands in the next morning.
Do it every night to increase the shine for your nails.
13. Primrose Oil
how to get shiny nails - primrose oil

Primrose oil can supply essential nutrients and acids that are good for your skin cells as well as skin elasticity. Here are some methods on how to get shiny nails with primrose oil:

Take some primrose oil and get it every morning.
You also can consume capsules after asking the doctor.
You also can take primrose oil and apply on the nails, then massage it gently for some minutes.
Leave it over the night or some few hours.
Do it every day to reduce the damaged, dull, and dry nails.
14. Biotin
how to get shiny nails - biotin

Biotin is an essential nutrient for the body and it can keep the skin moist, supple, and healthy. Lack of biotin, your nails will be dry and .....تمنع روابط التحميل الغير قانوني......ed. As the result, you should supply it more through daily diets. Some natural sources of biotin are oats, almonds, sweet potato, peanuts, onions, eggs, tomatoes, salmon, bananas, mushrooms, liver, sardines, cauliflower, legumes, etc.

15. Fish Oil
how to get shiny nails - fish oil

Fish oil is full in healthy fats, nutrients, and vitamins that can prevent nail conditions. It has omega-3 fatty acids that can moisturize and lubricate the nails very well. It also helps reduce the inflammation and nourish the nails.

You need a teaspoon of fish oil.
Apply it on the nails and massage them gently.
Wash with water.
You also can take fish oil supplements after asking your doctor.
16. Protein Rich Foods
how to get shiny nails - protein rich foods

Diet is a crucial way to improve your health as well as your nail health. To prevent nail disorders, you should supply more healthy foods, specifically the protein-rich foods. To get protein through foods is the best and safe way for you. Fish, eggs, dairy products, meat, chicken, beans, vegetables like sweet corn, watercress, artichoke, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach are the good sources of protein.

17. Yogurt
how to get shiny nails - yogurt

Yogurt contains proteins, B vitamins, zinc, vitamin A, C, D, K, folate, calcium, iron. Consuming enough those vitamins and nutrients, your nails will be shiny and beautiful and yogurt is such a good for you at home. Simply, you just eat yogurt every day once or twice. The best type of yogurt is plain, unsweetened.

18. Black Currant Seed Oil
how to get shiny nails - black currant seed oil

Black currant seed oil is great in gamma – linolenic acid (GLA that can be used to treat dry and .....تمنع روابط التحميل الغير قانوني......ed nails. This oil also includes flavonoids and vitamin C that can make the nails shiny. You can take the seed oil every day to have the best result. Or the supplements are advisable but you should ask the doctor before using it.

19. Let The Nails Breathe
how to get shiny nails - let the nails breathe

The reasons that cause your nails unhealthy are chemicals, poor quality of nail polishes, cosmetics, and sun exposure. You should avoid using the low quality nail polishes, paints, and cosmetics that can make the nails dull. You also should not wear nail polish too often and let them have time to breathe. Make sure that you check the color of nails if there is any health condition.

20. Drink Water
how to get shiny nails - drink water

Drinking water is one of the simplest and safest ways to improve your health and nail health. This routine is very important to prevent common diseases on skin, hair, health, nails. You should drink enough water every day to remove the toxins from body and make you have a nicer skin. Water is also an excellent ingredient to moisturize the skin and add the nail shine.

21. Cucumber
how to get shiny nails - cucumber

Cucumber is also a natural remedy for shiny nails. You can use cucumber to make salads, eat raw, or mix with other ingredients to consume every day. This fruit is rich in water and it can supply a significant amount of water for the body and nails. You also can extract the juice and soak the nails in it. You should do it every day to get the best result.

If you want to get more useful tips and tricks to take care of your health, you might visit out main page how to. After reading the article about how to get shiny nails, I hope that you have got a lot of helpful solutions to improve your nails naturally at home. If you have any question, please leave your comments below.

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