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descriptionHow To Use Almond Oil To Help Control Hair Loss? EmptyHow To Use Almond Oil To Help Control Hair Loss?


Hair fall sucks! Watching your ponytail go thinner by the day is one of most painful things that a woman can experience. The problem starts to weigh you down so much so that you start to lose confidence and avoid getting out of the house. It’s a tough battle to get through but, with a good hair care regimen that incorporates the right ingredients to help tackle hair fall, it is a battle you can win.

Almond oil is one such ingredient that can be used to curb hair loss. Most of us grew up listening to our mothers and grandmothers tell us that oiling your hair is the best way to keep it healthy. Be it dandruff, graying, dryness, or hair loss, they made it seem like the one stop solution for all problems. While we might have shrugged it off while we were kids, we’ve now come to realize that they weren’t wrong at all. But how does almond oil work to promote hair growth? Keep reading to find out.

Benefits Of Using Almond Oil For Hair Fall Control
Almond oil offers a multitude of benefits for hair health. This is because it contains anti-inflammatory properties, and is rich in fatty acids such as Omega-6, Omega-3, and Omega-9 fatty acids. It also contains Vitamin E, which is known for its high antioxidant activity, and magnesium. Here’s how these properties boost hair health and treat hair fall:

1. Nourishes Hair

Almond oil softens hair while adding shine. This is because of its high content of fatty acids and proteins. The nutrients penetrate deep into the scalp and hair shaft, nourishing each strand of hair, making them glossy and strong. It is also relatively non-sticky and easy to wash off.

2. Repairs Damage
Almond oil repairs the damage caused by heat styling tools such as blow dryers, straightening irons, and curling rods. It also helps heal chemically treated hair. This helps minimize hair loss from breakage.

3. Rich Content Of Antioxidants
The vitamin E present in almond oil is rich in antioxidants that help fight damage, keeping the hair strong and shiny. Free radicals are a huge problem when it comes to hair health. Antioxidants help neutralize them, maintaining hair health.

4. Anti-Inflammatory

Almond oil helps soothe an aggravated or irritated scalp with its anti-inflammatory properties. The abundance of pollution in our environment can lead to issues such as itching, dandruff, and in extreme cases, hair fall. The oil’s anti-inflammatory properties help soothe these symptoms.

5. Improves Blood Circulation

Massaging almond oil into your scalp helps improve blood circulation. This ensures that your follicles are better nourished so they can produce healthy hair.

6. Controls Oil Production

Hair fall is a common problem among people with oily hair. Almond oil helps calm the overzealous sebaceous glands and controls oil production. It is also one of the lightest hair oils which successfully keeps your hair conditioned without weighing it down, making it ideal for both; oily and dry hair types.

One of the biggest reasons for hair fall is bad scalp health. A healthy scalp is the foundation for healthy hair. Using almond oil can restore scalp health and ensure healthy hair growth. It can even stimulate re-growth from dormant hair follicles.

How To Use Almond Oil To Help Control Hair Loss?
Here are 5 ways to use Almond oil for hair loss:

1. Almond Oil And Lemon Juice
1.-Almond-Oil-And-Lemon-Juice Pinit
Image: iStock

You Will Need
2 tbsp Almond Oil
2 tsp Lemon Juice
Processing Time
35 minutes

Mix the almond oil and lemon juice in a bowl.
Section your hair and start applying it to your hair and scalp.
Massage the oil into your scalp for at least 5 minutes and then wait, with the oil in your hair, for half an hour.
Rinse the oil off with a mild shampoo.
How Often?
You can repeat this up to three times a week.

Why This Works
The vitamin C in lemon juice helps boost collagen production which directly influences hair growth.

2. Almond Oil And Egg
2.-Almond-Oil-And-Egg Pinit
Image: iStock

You Will Need
4 tbsp Almond Oil
1 Raw Egg
Processing Time
40 minutes

Whisk the egg and almond oil together until you get a smooth mixture.
Wash and dry your hair.
Start applying the mixture to your freshly washed hair in sections.
Let it sit for 40 minutes and then rinse it out with shampoo
How Often?
Use this hair mask once a week for best results.

Why This Works
Eggs are packed with proteins that help nourish your hair follicles and repair damage. This pack also helps control frizz for people who have dry, untameable hair.

3. Almond Oil And Yogurt
3.-Almond-Oil-And-Yogurt Pinit
Image: iStock

You Will Need
1 cup Yogurt
1 tbsp Almond Oil
Processing Time
30 minutes

Combine the almond oil and yogurt in a bowl and set aside.
Wash your hair and let it dry.
To your freshly washed hair, start applying the yogurt and almond oil mixture in sections.
Let it sit for 30 minutes and then rinse it out with a mild shampoo.
How Often?
You can use this hair mask up to twice a week.

Why This Works
Yogurt helps keep your hair clean, conditioned, and damage-free. When combined with almond oil, it works to boost hair health while curbing hair loss.

4. Almond Oil And Olive Oil
4.-Almond-Oil-And-Olive-Oil Pinit
Image: iStock

You Will Need
1 tbsp Almond Oil
1 tbsp Olive Oil (or another carrier oil of your choosing)
Processing Time
45 minutes

Combine the oils in a bowl and start massaging it into your scalp.
After massaging your scalp for 5-10 minutes work the oil downwards, along the length of your hair, to the tips.
Let the oil sit for an additional 30 minutes.
Wash off with a mild shampoo.
How Often?
You can repeat this thrice a week.

Why This Works
Oiling your hair is one of the best ways to curb hair fall. If almond oil doesn’t suit your hair well by itself, diluting it with an oil of your choice is the best way to use it for hair growth.

5. Almond Oil With Banana And Honey
5.-Almond-Oil-With-Banana-And-Honey Pinit
Image: iStock

You Will Need
1 Ripe Banana
2 tbsp Almond Oil
1 tbsp Honey
Processing Time
45 minutes

Mash the banana until there are no lumps and to it add the honey and almond oil. Mix until all the ingredients are well combined.
To freshly washed and dried hair, start applying the hair mask in sections.
Let it sit for 45 minutes.
Wash off with a mild shampoo.
How Often?
Use this hair mask once a week.

Why This Works
If your hair fall problem has stemmed from a dryness issue, this is one of the best ways to treat it. Bananas, honey, and almond oil have emollient properties that will deeply condition your hair, le.....تمنع روابط التحميل الغير قانوني......ng it feeling smooth and silky.

Hair fall is undoubtedly one of the hardest things a woman can deal with, but using the right ingredients can significantly ease the process of dealing with it. Use these almond oil remedies to fight hair fall and restore your locks to their former glory. Have you ever considered almond oil for hair growth? How did it help you? Let us know by commenting below.

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May Allah Bless you

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مسـاء ألج ـــوري
م ـوضوع في قمة إْلخيااال
ط ـرحت فابـٌْدع ـت
دم ـت ودآم ع ـطائك
ودائم ـا بأنتظـارج ـديدك الشيق
لكم خ ـالص تقديري واح ـترامي

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تَحية تلطفهآ قلوب طيبة ونقٌية
آ‘لتميزٍ لآ يقفٌ عندْ أولْ خطوٍة إبدآعٌ
بلْ يتعدآه في إستمرآرٍ آلعَطآءْ

ووآصلي فيٌ وضعٌ بصمـتكـ بكل
حرٍفٌ تزخرفيه لنآ‘
مِنْ هنآ أقدمٌ لكـ بآقـة وردْ ومحبـة خآلصـة لله تعآلىٌ
وٍنحن دوٍمآ نترٍقبٌ آلمَزٍيدْ
ودٍيٌ قبْلٌ رٍدْيٌ
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