دليل الإشهار العربي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.


إذا كانت هذه أول زيارة لك في الإشهار العربي، نرجوا منك مراجعة قوانين المنتدى من خلال الضغط هنا وأيضاً يشرفنا انضمامك إلى أسرتنا الضخمة من خلال الضغط هنا.

descriptionToddler Nutrition Feeding your toddler well Toddler snack ideas: photos EmptyToddler Nutrition Feeding your toddler well Toddler snack ideas: photos

These tasty, healthy toddler snacks are sure to stave off hunger between meals.

peeled satsuma segments
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Fresh fruit
Fresh fruit is a naturally sweet, vitamin-packed snack. Fill your fruit bowl with whatever's in season, so it's cheaper and tastier, and see which of these take your little one's fancy:

melon chunks or sliced mango
satsuma segments
handful of raspberries, grapes or strawberries
plums or apricots, halved and stoned
fruit kebabs with chunks of pineapple, kiwi fruit, halved seedless grapes and banana

N.B. grapes and other small, round fruits, such as blueberries, should always be cut in half to reduce the risk of choking.
vegetables and avocado guacamole
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Dips and crunchy vegetables
Dips are great for messy toddlers. Stock up on (or blitz up) these options:

avocado and lime guacamole
yoghurt with mint and cucumber
green pea and cream cheese

Crunchy, raw vegetables, such as radishes, celery, carrots and pepper add vitamins and minerals and make dunking easy.
yoghurt with strawberries
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Yoghurt with fruit
Unsweetened plain yoghurt, or fromage frais, with sliced fresh fruit provides calcium and vitamins.

You can make fruit purees by simply blending soft fruit, or stewing it in a pan. Or buy fruit purees in pouches that contain no added sugar.
hard-boiled eggs cut in half
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Hard-boiled eggs
A great source of protein, zinc and B vitamins, and can be kept in the fridge for up to three days, ready to keep hunger pangs at bay.

Boil until the yolks and whites are hard, which takes about seven or eight minutes.
cubes of ref leicester and .....تمنع روابط التحميل الغير قانوني......ers
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Cheese and .....تمنع روابط التحميل الغير قانوني......ers
Cheese is always a winner with little ones. Try cubes of cheddar or edam with unsalted, savoury .....تمنع روابط التحميل الغير قانوني......ers, for contrasting textures.

Packed with protein, calcium, vitamin D and A, cheese is also good at neutralising acids to protect teeth. A few slices of crunchy apple go well with this.

Bear in mind that most cheeses are high in saturated fat and salt, so small portions are best.
banana milkshake and a peeled banana
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Fruit smoothies and milkshakes
Whizz up whatever's to hand with plain, unsweetened yoghurt or milk. Try banana and strawberry, mango and kiwi or nectarine and raspberry.

Frozen, mixed berries make for a vibrant purple thirst-quencher, and are often cheaper than fresh.

If you're buying a smoothie or milkshake, check the label to make sure that there is no added sugar.
small ham sandwich triangles
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Mini sandwiches
Bite-sized sandwiches can be made from a variety of breads such as mini pittas, tortilla wraps or seeded rolls, to add interest. Try these tasty fillings:

lean ham and tomato
hummus and grated carrot
peanut or other nut butters
mashed avocado and cream cheese
chicken and lettuce
cheddar and grated apple
mashed sardines with greek yoghurt
oat flapjack
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Oat bars
Oat bars that contain chopped nuts, seeds and dried fruit contain nutrients such as iron, protein and omega-3 fats, so are OK as an occasional treat.

You could try making your own flapjacks with pureed dates, apple juice or apple puree, instead of sugar.

If possible, keep any sugary foods your toddler eats to mealtimes, as a pudding, to minimise tooth damage.
kiwi fruit ices
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Ice-cold treats
Frozen fruit lollies made with pure 100 per cent fruit juice are a fun way for your toddler to get vitamin C.

To make kiwi fruit lollies, blitz up peeled kiwi fruits with diluted pure apple or grape juice and add to moulds lined with fruit slices. Freeze for at least four hours.
breadsticks with caraway seeds
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Crispbreads, oatcakes and breadsticks are a handy, portable snack. Make sure that they contain less than 0.6g salt (0.27g sodium) per 100g. Some spreadable cheese for dunking will add calcium and DIY appeal.

If you have time, you could oven-bake your own breadsticks and add sesame or poppy seeds, so your toddler can try new flavours.
fruit scone
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Fruit bun
A small fruit bun, such as a plain or currant scone, half a hot cross bun, or a slice of malt loaf, with a glass of milk.

A thin scraping of butter or margarine is fine. If you want to add jam, read the label to make sure that it contains at least 50g of fruit per 100g.
corn on the cob
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Corn on the cob
Boil for about eight minutes and cut carefully into three or four chunks, using a sharp knife. Sweet enough to not need any accompaniment, full of vitamins, and great for little teeth to nibble.
cereal and milk in a white bowl
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Wholegrain cereal
Low-salt, low-sugar cereal with milk, or dry as a portable snack, can be invaluable if you have a hungry, fractious toddler to placate.

Many are fortified with iron and other important nutrients.
courgette frittata
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Cold frittata
A small slice or square of cold vegetable frittata, left over from a meal. Make more than you need and keep the rest for up to two to three days, covered, in a fridge.

Try pepper, peas, courgette or spinach in a basic omelette mix for added vitamins and contrasting textures, depending on your toddler's taste.
baked vegetable chips
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Homemade baked vegetable crisps
Try oven-baking wafer-thin sweet potato, parsnip, beetroot and carrot slices.

Brush with a little olive oil, sprinkle with ground cumin or coriander (optional, though spices are a great salt substitute) and bake until crisp. Keep an eye on them, as they can burn easily.

Store in a sealed container for tummy rumbling emergencies.
half a bagel
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Toasted treats
Have toast fingers, crumpets, savoury muffins, mini pittas or bagels on standby to satisfy hunger with energy-giving carbohydrates.

Spread thinly with butter, margarine, mashed banana, peanut butter or cream cheese.

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وجزاك الله كل الخير
مع خالص الشكر ووافر الامتنان

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ألف شكر على الموضوع القيم، 
وجعله الله في ميزان حسناتكم

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ط ـرحت فابـٌْدع ـت
دم ـت ودآم ع ـطائك
ودائم ـا بأنتظـارج ـديدك الشيق
لكم خ ـالص تقديري واح ـترامي

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