دليل الإشهار العربي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.


إذا كانت هذه أول زيارة لك في الإشهار العربي، نرجوا منك مراجعة قوانين المنتدى من خلال الضغط هنا وأيضاً يشرفنا انضمامك إلى أسرتنا الضخمة من خلال الضغط هنا.

description law of magic learning in Islam | danger of magic learning Empty law of magic learning in Islam | danger of magic learning

Witchcraft did not come on the basis of one of the rules of Islam that did not corrupt it, for witchcraft and disbelief are rarely separated, and witchcraft is a way to waste money and waste it, and it corrupts the offspring by separating the family bond, and it is the entrance to fornication and abuse of symptoms. It is also a way to assassinate and obliterate minds, so it is not surprising that Islam and its people stand firmly against witchcraft and its people. Today we present to you a new episode of the episodes of the Jinn series, questions and answers under the title of Hadd Al-Maghir


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 law of magic learning in Islam | danger of magic learning 2726535510

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