دليل الإشهار العربي
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Russian movies By-archive-May 16, 2019 Variety of rosihrosih films at the time, and if the Russian cinema because of Soviet Russia’s economic collapse in ’ badanhiaralathad ’. But after Russia’s economic revival under President Vladimir Putin jump in film industry. Founded the stodlo Foundation ’ for the movie industry, which put themselves to face the challenge of American and European film festivals and awards international films such as harvests born: vosfrashinia film or return to exit from Andre zviaghintsiv, who won the Golden Lion in Venice International Film Festival in 2003. Cinema in the era of the Soviet Union, not to be confused with ’ speaking cinema at that period ’ where a lot of filmmakers and directors living outside the former Soviet Union who directed movies i. Soviet cinema movie contributions include In 2010 I applied russia cinema clearly good titles achieved in the world of cinema and has become one of the first States in the list 81842
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