دليل الإشهار العربي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.


إذا كانت هذه أول زيارة لك في الإشهار العربي، نرجوا منك مراجعة قوانين المنتدى من خلال الضغط هنا وأيضاً يشرفنا انضمامك إلى أسرتنا الضخمة من خلال الضغط هنا.

description camera software  Empty camera software

this web site is wonderful and good . it help you to find your software and download it with easy way , there are e lot of kind of software that pysoft present , we find :
Surveillance Products: in this genre we find active web cam You can use it to record full-motion clips from your video and audio sources. The program has the following recording features: Live Recording, Archive Recording, and ability to create Archive of Snapshots. With Live Recording the program records content constantly that allows you pause, fast-forward, and rewind live from camera at any time.
The Archive Recording is performed by user or as a scheduled task. The content ised into a file on your hard disk.
This is security surveillance IP camera software.stealth webcam recorder. It has features to place image overlays and date/time stamps, adjust picture size / quality, and Pan/Tilt/Zoom control.
finally use this web sit and you’ll never need to use an other


description camera software  Emptyرد: camera software


description camera software  Emptyرد: camera software


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